Thank you for purchasing our extension. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this document, please contact us via email or support portal.

Created: 28/07/2016 | By: Magenest | Email: [email protected]


Magento 2 License Delivery Extension offers a unique Pincode delivery solution that was designed for ease of use in Magento 2 store. This extension allows you to deliver any product where a pincode can be applied to customers via email.


System Requirements

Your store should be running on Magento Edition version 2.1.x, 2.2.x


Catalog -> License Product -> Setting

(tick) Click on the Save Configbutton to save the configuration.

Main Function 

For admin 

On the left menu bar of the backend, click on Catalog, you can see the License Product section, which includes Manage Licence, Import Licence, Manage Instructions, Setting

 Manage Licence 

Choose Catalog > Manage License 

The Manage Game Code page will be shown.

Here you can view and manage all the key codes in your store.

Choose Edit  to make any changes regarding the keycodes generated before.

 Import Licence

Catalog > Import Licence

the extension allows you to use a CSV file for uploading the data of key codes for each license product on their store. 

In order to do that, click on the  Import License button.

Click on the Choose File button to upload the file.

We attached a sample CSV file that works correctly with the extension. Click on the Download Sample File (SampleFile.csv) link to download and follow it.

There are three statuses of key codes, include:

1: Available

2: Not Available

3: Ordered

 Manage Instruction

Each license product shall be attached with a guide that instructs customers how to use the product or provide a description for introducing the product.

In order to create a new instruction, go to Catalog > Manage Instructions.

Then, the Manage Instruction page will be shown.

You can view and manage all instructions of products here.

You can add instructions using HTML and CSS.

Click Save Instruction to save data. 

 Create a license product

In order to create a new license product, please go to Catalog > Product> Add Product > License Product 

License Product's detailed information

Enable product: Choose yes to enable product

Attribute set: Choose the attribute that you want from the list 

Product name: name of the product 

Instruction: Choose the instruction that you set up previously

Quantity: the number of available license products

Terms and Conditions

You can add Terms and Conditions for each license product

Game Code:

View and manage all the codes of each product

You can Edit, Add Text Code, Import Image, Import FIle zip, and Import File CSV

(plus) Add Text Code: Add unlimited key codes for each product.

(plus) Import Image: Use an image (JPG, PNG, ..) for uploading an key code via a zip file.

(warning)The maximum file size  is 64KB

(plus) Import File Zip: Please view the following image to know how to upload a zip file for uploading key codes.

If a zip file contains a file folder which contains three images, then there are three key codes will be generated.

Also, please note that the name of the zip file and file folder are the same and it does not contain both space and special characters.

(warning)The maximum file size is 64 KB

(plus) Import File CSV: you can check the Sample File to check the format, the file size is unlimited.

(warning) Click on the Save button to save data.

For Customer 

Customers can buy a license product by adding to cart and checking out.

Then, customers will be received an email that contains a code attached and confirms their order. The email can also be set to attach the instruction file (Check "Serial code instruction" guide) 


Customers will manage the license product by clicking on My Account > My License.



Once again, thank you for purchasing our extension. If you have any questions relating to this extension, please do not hesitate to contact us for support.